Monday, December 6, 2010

sleepy boy

Easton absolutely loves the jump-a-roo that we borrowed from J's sister. He works himself right out and falls asleep in it quite often. Depending on what we are doing we sometimes let him take a cat nap in there but most of the time we pull him out when he starts nodding off and put him to bed. I just think he looks so cute in it.
He is such a blessing to our family. Easton is a happy boy, we just love watching him smile and giggle at the site of us now. He loves his sisters and daddy gets big smiles out of him. We need to start practicing the sitting up, he can do this but likes to bed over pretty far.
More on the big guy soon, he's almost 5 months, which means another photo shoot soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet lil man!!!