Friday, October 15, 2010

3 months

It is bittersweet for me to be posting about my 3 month old as my heart aches for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law who continue to grieve the loss of their two little girls. I just want them to be able to enjoy the blessings of parenthood that we have been blessed to enjoy.

Easton Marc is 3 months old today. He continues to bless us each and every day. This week he has started smiling so much more and even giggling and laughing We love to hear his little giggles and noises. Here's a little bit of what he is up to these days:

-eats every 2-3 hours still

-gets up once a night lately it's at 2:00 am

-wears size 2 diapers but soon to go to size 3

-wearing size 6 month clothes and still some 3-6 month clothes

-he loves his fist and sucks on it all of the time
-he also loves to be outside
-he loves stroller rides
-some of his favorite toys are his bouncer and Einstein play mat

-he does not care for the paci, I'm okay with that

-still most of his time is spent eating, sleeping and pooping

We're going to pull out the bumbo seat for him soon, he seems to have pretty good head control. Tomorrow will be our big 3 month photo shoot as Grandma is going to be here and can help get us some smiles.

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