Monday, July 14, 2008

No more paci...

Yup, that's right, I was a mean mom tonight. No more paci for Kylynn. We said at 2 years old she no longer gets the paci when she is napping or for bedtime. With all of our camping and the week at the Cherry Festival right around her birthday we said we would do it when we got home. So last night I told her, "enjoy the last night with your paci." Tonight she went to bed without it. Lots of tears and she cried for awhile. She did finally go to sleep.
We asked her who we should give her paci to and she said Hannah. Hannah doesn't need Kylynn's paci so we'll just stick it away somewhere. I just can't throw it out, it's like I have to say good bye to my baby and she is still so young yet. Tomorrow morning we're having her 2 year pictures taken so I'm sure I'll think differently after that when I see how old she'll look. I had Jason help me pick out the outfits so we'll she how they turn out.

Today we went out to Courtney's to use the pool. It was a great time and Kylynn really enjoyed floating around in her BIG pool:) I was able to get a little sun so that was nice.

Happy Birthday to Hannah! Our babysitter is growing up and moving on. She'll be off to CMU this fall. Hopefully we can get her to babysit a few more times before she leaves us.

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