Saturday, October 15, 2011

15 months

I can't believe my baby is 15 months old today! I have been terrible at updating his progress and blogging about his milestones. I'm going to blame work! Being back to work and doing Girls on Track has kept this momma of 3 incredibly busy!

Easton loves to follow his daddy around. His new favorite thing is to be outside. He cries if we don't play outside when we get home from day care. He loves playing at Amy's and carries around a bat, hockey stick or ball. Or he loves to push their little lawn mower. I think we have a true boy on our hand. If we come inside he'll go to the back porch door and look out and cry. He loves to be outside.

He's on the move all of the time! I can't get very many good pictures of him as he is a quick little guy. He's been walking for almost 2 months now and he seems to be getting faster. Not quite running but it won't be long.

He's been a little crabbier than usual lately. A few weeks ago he cut his front bottom left tooth, tooth #7 and a few days later I was trying to give him some pain meds and his mouth was wide opened and I noticed he was cutting a molar. So tooth #8 is coming through as well. Poor little man! One of the things he loves is Baby Einstein. This is a picture of him watching one this week, he was in the Baby Enstein zone.

Did I mention he's on the move constantly. He loves to run down the hallway, head out to the porch or the newest place is the basement. I think he likes playing on the steps but we won't let him and he'll stand at the bottom of the steps and cry when J puts the footstool in the way.

If it's not the kitchen cabinets or his sisters toys it's the oven drawer. Crazy little boy, he sure is curious. But we love it! It keeps us on our toes. He also has been a little more aggressive lately. Especially towards his sisters. He's learned that he can pull their hair and listen to them scream. It has been interesting. Along with the crabbiness he has been a little clingy to mommy. He doesn't like to see anyone leave or leave him either.

Easton Marc we love you so much! Life would be so boring without you. It has been so much fun watching you these last 15 months and I look forward to learning more about you as you grow and change. Love ya bubba!

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