Monday, October 24, 2011

15 month check-up and a new trick

Jason just informed me on Saturday that he had caught our little guy up on the kitchen table one night last week. To be honest, totally didn't believe him. Well, Sunday when we got home from church he thought he'd help himself to his sister's cinnamon roll leftovers.

Up he went

And he made it!

And it was well worth it!

Today we had Easton's 15 month check-up and he still is a big boy, like I needed them to tell me that:) He was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. He weighed 28 lbs 4 oz, gained almost 2 lbs in the last 3 months, and we added walking to the routine. He measured 32 1/2 inches, he grew an inch and a half in the last 3 months. Our little boy isn't going to be little much longer! It was a great check-up, except for his sisters throwing fits about their flu shots! Doc was not concerned about his lack of vocabulary. He's the third child, he's a boy and it's all good. He understands what we are saying and he follows commands. I can't wait for him to talk though. I know I worried a ton about Kylynn and my mom always reminds me, you thought she'd never talk and now she doesn't stop:) But I just can't wait for him to communicate more with me and to hear his little voice.

What else Easton is up to:
-you have 7 teeth all the way in and you are getting all 4 of your molars (you are taking it like a champ)

-you love to be outside and cry when we come inside

-we can always find you with something in your hands, you love to carry things around with you

-you love your milk and drink at least 3 or 4 cups a day

-sleep comes easy for you, you sleep through the night and still take 2 good naps

-you have learned to climb up the kitchen chairs and you also like to climb your sisters bunk bed ladder

-you like to brush your teeth, or suck the toothpaste

-you now like to bug your sisters, pulling their hair is fun

-you are all boy and we love it!

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