Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Special Visitor

Today was the day Kylynn has been so anxiously awaiting for the last 2 weeks. Her teacher Mrs. VanderStelt came to visit this morning and I don't think she ever stopped smiling. She showed her teacher her bedroom with all of her barbies and her new pool that Uncle Trevor and Aunt Katie got her, her keyboard that Grandma and Grandpa VanDyke gave her and her special princess guitar. She even climbed up on her bed to have her picture taken. A very special morning. Mrs. VanderStelt also met her sibblings and the dogs. After playing in her bedroom she showed her the porch and the backyard. Mrs. VanderStelt took some pictures of her and will use them on her bulletin board for Kylynn to see when she arrives on the first day. What a special visit we had. I'm so excited for Kylynn's year at Hudsonville Christian!

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