Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I have a 7 month old!

(had to put him in the crib cause he was reaching forward on his chair
and was about to end up on the floor)

Wow, really, it just seems like he was 6 months old. Time is flying by. My baby boy won't be a baby before I know it. Here's a little bit of what he's been up to.

-battling a cold right now, I hear him coughing at night and feel so terrible for him. Humidifier is on and I suck him out but what else can I do?

-he graduated from the infant carrier and is in a big boy seat

-started eating some dinner meals, not so sure about them yet

-loves to roll around the room, place him on the floor with some toys and turn around and he's down and rolling

-loves to splash in the bath

-sleeping from 7-6 every night

-eating some 8 oz bottles but mostly 6 oz bottles, doesn't really need to get much bigger

-starting to be a momma's boy, which I love!

-you love watching your sisters, they can definitely keep you entertained
Easton we absolutely love having you in our family and can not imagine life without you. I know I say that every month as you get older but you bring so much joy to our lives. This weekend will be Mommys first time away from you over night and it will be two nights. Hopefully you are good to your daddy. Mommy defintely needs a getaway!


sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

He is SO precious!! I feel your pain with the colds...I hate not being able to help my son. Your family is just adorable. :)

Kari Lynn said...

Poor little guy! Can't wait to see him in his big boy seat! Maybe it's time you have another one ;)