Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Time...

Last week was a busy week for me, I went back to work for 4 days. Yeah, I know you think, whoopee, 4 days! It kicked my butt, let me tell you. Getting the girls up and worrying about pumping and all of that fun stuff had me exhausted. The week went very well though. I was glad to be back at work, even if it was only for 4 days. It went well, the kids were great and I was able to say good bye and wrap things up in my classroom. Addisyn did amazing with the bottle, thank goodness. She just sucked them right down and did really well for both my aunt and my mother-in-law. This morning when I went to get Kylynn up she wanted to go to Auntie's and started to cry when I told her we weren't going to Auntie's. She loves to go to my aunt's and that is such a great feeling to know that they are loved and they love going there. We've been busy around the house getting ready for Katie's shower next week and Baptism. We bought our flowers and I planted the large pots tonight. Jason planted our garden last week and Kylynn helped. I told her I have to get her some rubber boots so that she can go in and help him more. So off to Target I need to go to get those rubber boots. I need to upload the pictures yet from gardening, I thought they were on here. I'll post those later this week. Here's Kylynn at the Memorial Day Parade last week in Jenison. I tried to get creative with her bows. I need to fix them up a little for the 4th. She had fun, did not like the fire trucks though.

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