Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Home for a few days...

Well, I survived my first camping experience with two children. It really went well. Kylynn had so much fun with her friends. She had lots of little mothers for the week, it made it very nice for me. The girls did great sleeping in the trailer and we had a lot of fun. It was nice to relax at night with the ladies around the fire. I even lost a pound and a quarter during the week:) I was pretty excited about that. I am still attending weight watcher meetings even though I'm at my goal weight. I'd like to lose another 10 pounds so I have to keep myself on track. Here's some photos of our highlights of the week.

What a happy baby, she did great all week!

The kids in front of a hot air balloon, we got to see them take off on two different nights. left to right - luke, zach, jacob, kylynn, ashley, jenna, emmory - sorry if that is spelled wrong lisa, claire, and avery.

Rileigh and Kylynn, again I hope it's spelled right! Kylynn loved the slide!

We had 4 babies join us this year, Myself with Addisyn, Lisa and Aliya, Heather and Tyler and Sheri and Andrew

Then our pool babe, Kylynn - she loved the pool!

1 comment:

Van Hofwegen Ventures said...

You spelled both my girls names correctly-way to go! It was fun!