Friday, January 31, 2014

Five on Friday

Not a lot of picture taking going on so I thought this was appropriate.

1.  This past weekend I enjoyed my annual winter scrapbooking weekend away.  It was a much needed get away.  I think I laughed more this past weekend than I have in a long time, I even laughed till I cried, multiple times.  Very refreshing and rejuvenating.  I sure do love those scrapbook friends.  We made some great memories and built on existing relationships.

Julie taught us how to make arm scarves, good times and of course more laughs.
I was a slow learner but in the end, I finished first.

2.  We have been all been pretty healthy this winter until this past weekend.  Easton came down with a pretty nasty cough and cold while I was gone.  He had a runny nose all day and spiked a fever Sunday night.  It was a bear getting him to take some meds, he finally did.  We put him to bed with vapo rub and his humidifier.  A couple hours later he was crying, I went in and he was all sweaty, his fever broke.  He has done fine during the day but just coughs a ton.  Hoping this passes quickly and he can get back to his normal self.

3.  We have not doubled the normal amount of snow we have at this point.  I believe that we have now what we normally receive in an entire winter.  It is crazy.  As I type this it is snowing again.  I'm doing okay with the snow but getting a little tired of it.  Just trying to stay positive as we pry have at least a month and a half yet of snow. 
There are some mailboxes in that pile of snow

My flag is about gone

The bank on the side of the house is super tall as well

4.  The kids and I have had our fair share of snow days.  We all had the two days off after Christmas, they had Friday off, we all had Monday and Tuesday off and then they had Wednesday off.  It has made for some interesting mornings.  Both Friday and Wednesday I was scrambling to figure out where they were going.  Friday my mother in law was able to help us out and yesterday our babysitter Katie was able to help us out.  It is much nicer when it is a snow day for all of us.  They sure did enjoy their time at home though.  I tried to spice it up with some special fun.
cinnamon roll bites - they loved them

drawing birds eye view maps of their room, teacher Kylynn

My girls and their electronics

On a Sketch Hunt - they loved it

All bundled up for the frigid weather

5.  I may not have it all together and I may not always be the most patient mother but I'm doing my best.  I love them beyond any measure and have enjoyed our time together during these cold temps.  They are great kids, not sure how they are turning out so well.  
My three blessings

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