Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God Bless America

Wow, is it hot or what outside?  We did enjoy some time on the water today at Jason's parents but as soon as the boat stopped moving it was brutal.  So each kid got a ride on the tube and it was time to head home to rest.  Tonight we were able to snap a few pictures of my kiddos in their fourth of july gear.  Kylynn was not too happy with me as I did not have a new red, white, and blue shirt for her, first time ever.  I know now not to let that happen again. Enjoy our evening through pictures.
My beautiful blessings
Kylynn Joy
Addisyn Joy
Easton Marc

Sparkler Time
Addi Joy 

 Kylynn and Mommy
Mommy and Addisyn

Mommy and Easton
We did have a boo boo tonight though.  After Easton's sparkler went out we told him to drop it and he decided to grab it with the other hand.  He suffered a little blister on his thumb.  Jason was none to happy with me.  No more sparklers for us for awhile.
Kind of a quiet 4th for us.  Maybe next year we can enjoy the beach again or a parade.  But with this heat we didn't want to drag the kids out to for any length of time without water around.  I hope you enjoyed friends and family and festivities of your own.

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