Saturday, July 14, 2012

Arnold's Fun

Wednesday night we headed to Arnold's to see Mr. Arnold, Mrs. Arnold was not feeling too well.  He is always so good to our kids and loves to have us come visit.  The kids were quite excited to go do some rides.
 Mr. Arnold, Easton, Kylynn and Addi
Aunt Kari and Easton
-the girls are in the background-
This was a favorite of the kids, they loved the horns 
Daddy on the slide with the kids
Kylynn did not want to go by herself, look at her reaction at the end,
I think she enjoyed herself.  They ended up going twice.
Our family 
The hillbilly train
Addisyn, Kylynn, and Easton 
On the bumper cars
Daddy with Kylynn, Aunt Kari with Addi, and Mommy
The kiddos before the race car ride 
Easton all by himself on the four wheeler ride 
Mommy, Daddy, and Easton

Another fun night at the rides!  Can't wait for the Hudsonville Fair when we can do more rides.

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