Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

Thought I would give this one a try, something different.  I've read quite a few of these blog posts I thought I would do my own, and it happens to be Tuesday, bonus!

1.  Huge answer to prayer yesterday, the girl who does my daycare and has for the last two years has committed to doing again next year.  What a huge relief that was for me.  I was just about in tears when she told me she would.  She is so patient and loving and such a wonderful blessing to our family.  I feel so blessed that God has placed her and her family in our lives to care for our children when Jason and I are at work.

2.  Girls got their hair cut tonight.  Kylynn wanted to just get a trim to continue growing her hair out.  Addisyn wanted to get it cut.  Well, that is just what happened.  I think we cut a good 4 inches off.  She also got it straightened and she looked so old.  My baby girl is growing up, in a month she will be 5, I just can't believe it.

3. I'm really trying to be good about going to the gym and I'm doing pretty good.  I really wanted to curl up in bed tonight but I knew my workout buddies would be there so off I went.  My newest fav is sprints.  Tried them last night after bootcamp and actually enjoyed them so I did them again tonight.  I've heard it helps speed up your runs, we'll see if that is true.

4.  I started taking a supplement for my joints, boy am I getting old.  A friend of mine talked about taking it last year and so I thought I would try it.  Costco had a huge tub of them so I made the purchase and started taking them this week.  Haven't noticed a huge difference yet but we'll see.

5.  I am having a biopsy done this Thursday at 3:00 and if you think of it I would love it if you would say a prayer for me.  I am quite nervous about this and not looking forward to a needle being stuck in my neck.  After my little bought in the ER back in November they found a nodule on my thyroid and want to check it out.  My thyroid labs came back fine so the doctor told me this is just to prove that it is nothing.  Here's to hoping it is nothing.  I have been pretty concerned about it but I am trying to hand it over to God and lean on him.

6.  One of the things that I've been trying to do lately is to be grateful for what we have.  I have three beautiful, healthy children who are the lights of our lives.  Each one unique and special to this world.  Being positive and looking for the positive in everything has been an unspoken, not anymore, goal of mine for 2013.

7.  This is my 11th year teaching.  Wow, time sure does fly by.  Anyway, this week I will be giving my first semester exams.  Kinda big stuff, should be interesting.  My next few nights will be spent grading exams, guess it's good I'm blogging tonight.

8.  Looking forward to scrapbooking on Saturday with my girls!  One of my favorite things to do is to get away with girlfriends and scrapbook about our lives.  It gets me away for some mommy time and allows me some  much needed girl time.  I absolutely cherish these days and the friendships that I have built over the last 3 years with these girls!

9.  My brother graduates from Law School on Sunday!  I am so proud of him.  He has worked full time his entire way through law school and has done extremely well in all of his classes.  Right now he is studying for the BAR so we can be praying for him as well, that he passes it with flying colors.  He takes it at the end of February.  

10.  I signed up for the 5/3 Riverbank run this past Friday night!  Yup, that's right I will be running a 15.5 miles, that is 2 more than I did last year when I completed the Bayshore Half Marathon.  I'm up for the challenge and looking forward to it. I  have a great group of friends that I've been running with who are a wonderful support system.  Let the training begin!

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