Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bon fire time

Saturday night Jason told the girls we could have a bon fire in the back yard, so that is just what we did.  The girls had a blast and I think Easton did too.  My parents were in town so they were there with us.  We started by roasting our brats and hot dogs over the fire.  After dinner we sat around the fire for a little bit before it got too chilly, then Grandma had to head inside.  The kids enjoyed their smores and then it was bath time.  It was a great first fire of the season.  Can't wait for summer when we can enjoy many more fun times around the fire as a family.

 Our little stick gopher.  She loved going to look for sticks for our fire.
 Me and my girls
 Easton enjoying his first smore of the season
 Our goofy Addisyn
 Kylynn Joy
Daddy and the kiddos

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