Thursday, September 9, 2010

8 weeks

Our little guy is 8 weeks old today. He is changing every day. Lately we notice he is cooing much more. He absolutely loves to smile at himself in his swing and we got him a new toy for his car seat, he now has something to look at while he rides. Which was nice on his long car ride the other day. I have been changing over some of his clothes and getting out all of his 3-6 month clothes and he is definitely in the Carter's 3 month size and almost filling them completely.

On a little bit of a sad note we found out yesterday that he has Hereditary Spherocytosis. For those of you who have known me for a long time you remember me having a spleenectomy as a child, that's why. Both of our girls were tested and they did not have HS, except for we are going to test Kylynn again. When she was 1 year she had spherocytes in her blood so the doctor thinks we should check her again. This is totally treatable and nothing to fret over. I just struggle because you don't want anything to be wrong with your child. He will be fine and they are not quick to take the spleen out anymore. He will be treated with blood transfusions if they need to. The thing with HS is that the red blood cells are spherical in shape instead of concave so they don't bend as easily and break down quicker. So the blood has to be made quicker and more often. He goes back to the doctor when he is just over 4 months so we'll see what we learn then. He will just be watched and shouldn't have any major complications in life because of this. I guess I'm alive and well so he'll be fine too.

1 comment:

Kari Lynn said...

Love this picture of Easton. And yes, it might be hard knowing that Easton has HS but look at Trev and me - nothing ever came of it and just think he can tell people he has a disease now (it always shocks people when I tell them!) and that's kinda fun (: See you tomorrrow sis!!