Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Snow Day Fun

This past Friday I finally got what every teacher wants, a SNOW DAY!  My kids have had a few but not my school.  I was quite excited to be home for the day and it was even better as it was on a Friday, so a long weekend for me!  The kids had a blast, we got a ton done and they played so well all day long!  Bring on the snow days!
Easton and his remote control vehicle
*this has since become destroyed, it fell down the stairs,
he was quite upset but that's what happens when you drive it down the steps
dress up for the girls, they were in these pretty much all day

Kylynn had been wanting me to come out Lauren's hair so I finally did.
I used an idea from Pinterest and mixed fabric softener and water. Below is the finished product.

This is what happens when you have two older sisters.

Loving mom's Kindle Fire - he read his books before nap time on it.
These kids and their technology.
Love the snow and how pretty it looks outside.
My girls

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