Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another Bili Baby

After doing a skin test yesterday for easton's bili levels it was decided that he should be tested. They did a blood test to check his bili rubin, probably not spelled right, and it was high so he has been on the bili blanket and a giraffe light. Photo therapy they call it. It was a rough night for the little guy, he didn't like not being snuggled in a blanket and didn't adjust well to being under the lights. After getting an ounce of formula he calmed down and slept well. This morning he nursed well but then he had to be circumsized, poor little guy. Rough life! His bili levels did go down this morning from yesterday and they boosted his photo therapy for the day so he has two giraffe lights on him plus the bili blanket. They'll test his bili levels again tonight at 6 or 7 and then we'll decide what to do, whether he stays or goes home on a bili blanket. This isn't new for our family, Addisyn was also a bili baby, our 'little glow bug' as we called her. Now we have a big glow bug:) So j and I are hanging out in the hospital today, quiet day to get some rest I guess. Pray for our little guy that his levels will continue to drop and he can come home with us. I'll post more photos and updates as we recieve them. Thank you for all of your prayers and support as we welcomed Easton Marc into the world. He truly is a gift from God and we are so blessed!

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