Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend recap...

What a week it has been. Never thought a garage sale would be so much work. I guess it was worth it in the end. I had tons of girl clothes to get rid of and all of our baby stuff, swing, exersaucer, bath tub, play mat and even all of Easton's clothes. So all last week I spent hours bringing tub after tub upstairs to price and then out to the garage it went. It took a few days to set it all up and then I needed more tables. Never knew how much stuff we had until it was all out in the garage. A big THANK YOU to my sister for coming down to help me. She helped me finish setting up on Thursday and then she was my right hand woman for the weekend. She helped with the kiddos on Friday and helped me sort and straighten throughout the weekend. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her, wouldn't have had a garage sale probably:) I think that it was pretty successful. Friday was slow due to the weather but Saturday was busier. Looks like Christmas this year will be good, off to the bank I go. After a long day of garage saleing we headed up the road to the ice cream shop to treat ourselves for our hard work. I had Milky Way Overload, it was delicious, chocolate ice cream with caramel swirls and chunks of chocolate. Once again I shared with a certain someone, he sure enjoyed it. I had to be careful not to give him the small chunks of chocolate, he kinda coughed on one of them once. So little bites of chocolate ice cream he would get. Mama he would say when he wanted more, oh so cute.

Daddy and Easton

Mommy and Kylynn

Addisyn and Aunt Kari

1 comment:

Kari Lynn said...

Glad I could help you out with the garage sale ... I know you'll return the favor some day :)