Thursday, March 31, 2011

a little bit of everything

my little stud muffin check out the curls
Addisyn Joy, such a joy in our lives

Well, spring break has finally arrived. I am so excited to have some time to get caught up at home and spend with my family. Most of all I'm looking forward to sleeping in, hopefully my kids will sleep in for me that is. Grandma and Grandpa VanDyke will be here tomorrow for the weekend so that will be fun. Hopefully mom and I can get out to Holland to shop a little. Other than that we are just going to relax and take it easy.

Who me?The mess he made tonight!

We got a new toy this week for Kylynn, which will be for all of the kids eventually. We're excited to use it and go on family bike rides. Kylynn gets to ride the trail behind bike and the other two will be in the trailer. Which one will I take? Haven't decided yet. J said that the trail behind is a balancing act, yet the trailer will be heavy with the two of them in it, an extra 50 or 60 sad little sister,

watching her daddy ride away with big sis

Easton is getting so big so fast. 8 1/2 months yesterday, that is crazy. He is up on his knees and scooting all around. It's only a matter of time before he is crawling. Not looking forward to that, then he is mobile and will be on the go more.

Looks like he's doing a push up,

he is trying to figure out the crawling thingMy baby boyHe is such a happy boy, I loved this goofy smile, he was laughing I think

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Easton is getting so big! What a cutie! We are planning on getting a trailer for Lauren too. Looks like Kylynn loves it. And poor Addi. It's tough being the little sister and watching the big sister get all the cool stuff.