Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Another beautiful day for Easter this year. The girls had a great day with special easter baskets, an egg hunt at grandma and grandpa Vugteveen's and their aunt kari visiting them. Here's some pictures of our special day. Off to Michigan City tomorrow! Hope to find some great deals!

beautiful flowers from church, in memory of our grandparents in heaven
and our blessings, Kylynn and Addisyn

Kylynn and Addisyn

Kylynn and her new movie, we already watched it

Addi and her new Dora movie

Kylynn, Cole, Addisyn, Cambrey, and Grandma

Our Family

Addi hunting for Easter eggs

running with Uncle Brandon to get some Easter eggs

Addi and her new sheep pillow with Papa

Kylynn and her duck pillow

1 comment:

Brad, Lisa, Emma, and Ashlyn said...

Great photos!!!! It looks like you guys have been enjoying your spring.....I hope you are enjoying this pregnancy too. Love and miss you.