Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day!!!

Yeah, our first snow day! It couldn't have come at a better time. Kylynn is fighting a terrible cold so it was nice to let her sleep in. She woke up at 8:15 and went back down for a nap at 9:45. Now I'm doing laundry and just finished making banana bread. I think I'll clean some bathrooms and straighten up the house. Then I'll be able to relax this afternoon. We had a great time in Traverse City visiting my parents and we got to see Trisha, Trevor, and Lauren. It is fun to watch the girls play together. I'll post some pictures later. We had a scare Friday night, my dad let the dogs out and they took off. Jason and my dad looked in the woods, mind you it was freezing cold, for an hour. They were down at a restaurant and so we did find them but it was scary. Needless to say, my dad did not let the dogs out the rest of the weekend.

We purchased a comforter, a pillow sham, and some toss pillows for Kylynn's new room. We also picked out paint so that should get done this week. Lot's to do before Baby comes. I have an ultra sound on February 20 and we will see how big baby girl is and then we'll decide what we are going to do. So I told Jason, we better be ready to go by February 20, bags packed!

Off to clean my husband's bathroom, doesn't that sound like fun. It's gotta be done though.

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