Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to work...

Well, I went back to work today. It was a long day but I made it. Kylynn woke right up and was happy to have daddy home this morning to greet her. She was in a great mood and it made it that much easier to go back to work. I really enjoyed my sleeping in and relaxing at home. 2 months from today will be my last day of work though, I think I can make it. That is if little girl #2 doesn't decide to come a little early. Tonight I organized our files and pitched a lot of old bills and junk. Tomorrow night I am hoping to get started on the spare room so that we can get that ready for Kylynn.
She tried napping in the big bed today at Auntie's and that wasn't a success. She will try again tomorrow. We visited the doctor last week and she suggested that we start trying to get Kylynn to take naps in the big bed. So we're trying. We'll see how this goes. Kylynn gained 2 lbs and 2 1/2 inches since her 15 month check up. She is now 26.6 lbs and 33 1/2 inches tall. We talked about the getting up in the middle of the night and she told us to try giving her some tylenol or motrin before she goes to bed for the teeth. We've been doing that and she seems to be doing better. She also suggested I give her some tough love and let her cry it out. She probably just got used to me going in there. So last night at 4 am I let her cry, she didn't cry that long but it is so hard to listen to them cry. We'll see how she does tonight.
Tonight when we were downstairs Kylynn put Remi in her coup and tried to get Gauge in his. It was so cute. She said, "Gau - Coo!" Which stands for Gauge, in your coup. Jason and I just laughed. Her vocabulary is just exploding right now. It is so much fun to watch her. She just loves her puppies. Jason says our kids will be good on their feet. She gets knocked around and down and gets right back up.
Well, it is getting late and I need to get some sleep. First of all I have to wake my husband up off the couch though. He wanted to watch the OSU/LSU game but he is asleep, surprise, surprise.

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