Monday, June 30, 2014

And just like that she is 8!

Wow, 8 years have flown by.  I remember it clearly heading in from the beach in Holland as I was uncomfortable and having contractions.  I was sitting out at the beach with Jason's mom and Aunt Laura and they encouraged me to head home and call the doctor.  So that is what I did, as well as call my husband.  When I got home I showered and then started timing my contractions, they were about 5 minutes apart so they said to head in.  We had to walk the halls but I progressed so they admitted me and the rest is history, Kylynn Joy was born at 12:21 a.m. on June 30, 12 days early.  I was so swollen and retained so much water so I was happy to have her early so I could deflate some.
Life has not been the same since, she is full of life and turning in to a really sweet girl.  She loves her siblings and her family and especially her Lord.  We are so blessed to have her in our family and thankful that God has allowed us to raise her, praying we can do a good job the rest of the way.
Our Birthday Girl

she got her softball american girl outfit

always can use a new gap sweatshirt, neon pink, pic doesn't do it justice

speaking of justice, it is her new fav store

She got a hat, she has been begging for one for a while now

A hello kitty shirt, so happy

daddy and his big girl

Mom and Easton

Addisyn and Dad

She wanted to go up on the fireplace at Logan's,
so everyone could say Yee Haw
Our little fashionista

My 3 blessings

with the birthday girl

Mom and Kylynn


My oldest and my youngest

Daddy and his big girl
A birthday treat, blowing out a candle, making a wish

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