Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ten on Tuesday

1.  These two played so nice together last week Wednesday while Kylynn was at school. 
I found them reading together in Easton's bed.  They have a special bond and always do so well together.

2.  Last week Thursday it was another Easton and mom day as the girls had school.
He wanted to play outside so I sat and enjoyed the sun and watched him play.
He loves soccer right now, told me he had to 'focus' on the ball, too cute.
3.  The garden is now planted, beans, corn, brussel sprouts, and tomatoes

lots of helpers to help with the gardening now

4.  Remi sure is a pretty puppy, we are adjusting to one pouch around the house.

5.  Friday was National Doughnut day.  What a great way to start off Summer Vacation!

6.  This is blooming in my backyard and I love it.  

7.  Addisyn had her last soccer game on Saturday,
 she had fun and looks forward to playing again next year.

8.  Saturday afternoon the hubby along with his brother and brother-in-law put the dock in which means the boat gets in the water.  The kids had a fun time on a boat ride and then jumped off in the middle of the lake, fun times making some memories on Grandma and Grandpa's lake.

9.  First campfire of the summer, means smores, yummy summer treat!

10.  The girls helped me plant my impatients this past week. I need to get some more to finish the flower bed in front of my fence.  First time doing window boxes in a few years, hope they do well.  I always think they look so good in other people's windows, hoping mine do well.

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