Thursday, June 11, 2015

10 on Thursday

1.  Grandma came down for Easton's last day picnic and got to see Kylynn play softball. 
It was hard to see a game since they were mostly week nights.  We had 2 saturday games but they were make ups and not when Grandpa or Grandma VanDyke were in town. 

It was a warm night so she wore shorts

Playing first base

Her BFF Taylor came to her game, what a sweetheart.

2.  Grandma got extra lucky, she got to join me at Addisyn's Mr. Tanen's Ties Readers Theater Friday afternoon.  Dad stayed home so Grandma could attend.  With her living out of town she doesn't get to see these types of things so this was nice.

Our crazy Addi

Reading All About Addisyn to Grandma

Addisyn and Grandma

Addisyn and Mrs. Kiepert

My baby girl and I

3.  Easton loves Remi

4.  That is one spoiled puppy.  He knows who to go to!  

5.  Addisyn's last soccer game was played in the rain.  It was warm though so that was good.
She scored a goal, we were so happy to be able to see it as she scored the last one when I was running the River Bank Run.  She had a great season and an amazing coach!

Our soccer star

Ice cream for the team

Addisyn Joy

Coach Pell was so wonderful for these girls, she taught Addisyn so much!

6. My friend Becky and I got tickets to go see New Kids On The Block, NKOTB!  I had been looking forward to this night since January!  I never got to see them when I was in Middle School so this was extra special.  We even planned our outfits!  She totally stressed me out the week before with pinning special outfits.  I totally ended up wearing something other than I had planned but we found these cute shirts and had to wear them.  Another teacher we work with found Becky's gold sparkly pants at the Salvation Army for $1, I was way jealous!

Great Concert

us with our strawberry margaritas

WOW!  Joey looks better now then he did 20 some years ago!

7.  I attended my first open house as a teacher for a former student.  I had both of these kiddos in class but the younger one was graduating.  She hand delivered her invite so I had to go.  This family was and is so special to me.  So excited for them and all they have become and the future they hold!

8.  They are starting to like each other more.
9. One of the best things about being done with school the week before my kids is being able to attend all of their last week events.  Kylynn's class and the rest of the 2nd grade classes had a picnic lunch and I was able to be there.  I brought her subway and she was pretty happy about that.  We ate with Taylor and her mom, of course.

Taylor, Kylynn and her awesome teacher Mr. Helder

Got to see Addisyn out for recess, love her!

So thankful for this time with my biggest

10.  We have a bike rider folks, with no training wheels.  Jason and I bought a balance bike for Easton either last year or the year before and he loved it.  We were told by a friend that their kids went right from the balance bike to the 2 wheeler with no training wheels.  Well, Easton proved that to be correct, he did awesome and is still doing great.  He is fast and got his turns down with me the other night.  Now we just need to work on stopping on his own.  My baby is growing up!

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