Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

We had a great night as a family.  It started with me picking the kids up and sharing good things about our day.  The girls both had great days!  As the kids get older they are much more independent, bonus!  Kylynn and Addisyn both got dressed on their own for Halloween, it was nice.  After getting all ready we took a few pictures and headed out to have pizza with the cousins before trick or treating together.  This has  been a tradition over the last few years and the kids love being able to spend the time with their cousins.
Our Soccer Player

Fancy Nancy


Fun Costumes this year

Easton, Cole, Addi, Brinley, Kylynn, Cambrey, and Mason
Austin wasn't having any part of it

Ready to Trick or Treat

Addisyn was such a big helper for her brother

She is such a kind spirited child

Loving trick or treating

Fancy Nancy and her candy

Having fun together

Our little puppy dog, on her way to get more candy

Cambrey and Kylynn

Mason, the bum

Our family

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