Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Half way...

Day 4 of Cherry Festival and we're half way through. Today I took the kids down to the pet show at F & M park. Kylynn and Easton sat and watched it for a little while and Addi decided she would rather play at the play ground with Cam.
 Second place for Best Dressed, a Cherry Princess and her dog was dressed just like her, super cute.
Most unusual pets - one huge dog
enjoying the show
Addi petting a really soft and big bunny
Me and the kiddos
Kari and I took the girls to see Brave last night, let's just say they weren't so brave.  Addi did okay but Kylynn was terrified.  There were a few scenes where there were some bears fighting and they got kinda mean but not too bad.  She was so upset at the end that she just cried.  So if you have a little girl who might be the least bit scared, don't take them.  I thought it was a cute movie though.  Addi had a few one liners that cracked us up too.

Movie time, Addi and Kari
Mommy and Kylynn

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