Sunday, July 17, 2011

Party Time!

I'm going to let the pictures tell the story. We had a wonderful time celebrating Easton's birthday. He is such a joy to our family and we just love him to pieces. My sister was not able to come due to work commitments so that is why there is an overload of photos. The first one is just for her. It was supposed to be down a few and I accidently deleted it so I put it back in and can't move it. Blogger bugs me sometimes.

The beverages - special jug from my sister

Good Morning Birthday Boy!

Didn't want to nap so he was totally intrigued with Baby Einstein

The food table

The banner I made

Uncle Brandon and the birthday boy

Auntie and the birthday boy

Big Costco Birthday Cake

Grandma Vugteveen and the birthday boy

he loved his balloons

trying to get a picture of the birthday boy with his presents....
not having any part of it

checking out his new jack in the box

A new tractor from Mom and Dad

Our Family

wasn't a big fan of the party hat

Going to blow out the candle

Just getting started


Mommy, Easton, and Daddy

Happy Boy
Sooooo good!


All done!

Time for the tub

All clean

1 comment:

Kari Lynn said...

Looks like it was a great party - so sad i missed it! And SO sad that he's growing up SO fast!!!