Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Easton's up to...

Over the last month we have seen our little guy turn into a boy! He is a true boy. Loves to pound, bang, or whatever he can to make lots of noise. He is all over the place and loving to explore. His favorite thing to do is play peek-a-boo and we love to hear his giggles. He even played peek-a-boo with aunt Kari this week on skype, it was very cute and we made her day. You can seek the dimples on his cheeks in this picture as he giggles away at his crazy aunt Kari.

As I was prepping for the garage sale I brought up and cleaned off some of the girls' toys and now Easton has a few more toys to keep him occupied.He absolutely loves playing on the porch and we do too. It's usually nice and cool out there and it's kid world. By that I mean all of the toys are out there and they don't have to be all over my house. Easton loves to escape out to the porch and has found some favorites, the slide and the piano.

He discovered the girls princess piano this week and loves to make his own music for all to hear. You can see the picture is blurry as he is banging on it. Oh the joys of a boy!

Look at that smile, and the wet t-shirt. He has been a drooling machine lately. I think he's teething again. Another favorite toy is his race track, he even like to sit in it now. Maybe he thinks he'll get spun around like the cars.

We absolutely LOVE having our little guy and watching him grow and change. He'll be 11 months this week and I can not even believe it. What a joy he is to our family and we just couldn't imagine life without him.

1 comment:

Kari Lynn said...

His giggles over Skype are the BEST!