Friday, December 24, 2010

buddies and more

Here's a few pictures of Easton and his buddy Carter Smith. Yesterday Ellie and Carter came over to play and exchange Christmas presents. The girls got some foam sheets and stickers and absolutely love them, they have made many beautiful creations, get ready Grandma and Grandpa, you are getting some more treasures. Thankfully they are and not more for my fridge. We are getting all set for Christmas today. Picking up the house, putting clothes away, cleaning up the kitchen after all of the baking and just relaxing. Tonight we will celebrate Christmas with the Vugteveen's. The girls are so excited and looking forward to their first big Christmas celebration. I'm looking forward to our own family Christmas tomorrow morning. First of all I love the expressions on their faces when they open something they have really wanted and secondly I have no clue what Jason got me so I'm pretty excited to see what he is giving me this year. Then we get to celebrate with my family and I'm looking forward to spending some extra time with them.
Hey that's pretty cool, he can sit without this stupid bumbo thing!
Hopefully I can do that soon.
Hey dude, what ya doin?
Nothin,I'm stuck here on my belly so leave my face alone!Carter and Easton

Kylynn and Addisyn enjoying their new gift, thank you so much Ellie!

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