2010 was a year full of ups and downs. Some we never thought we would ever experience and never want anyone to have to go through and others we were so blessed to experience. The year began with celebrating Grandma Vugteveen's birthday and January was pretty uneventful. The girls enjoy playing dress-up and their imaginations are top notch. We snuggled in and enjoyed some good quality family time.

We were so excited for February to come, we'd be finding out what we were having. February was fun, full of snow and more snow. The girls loved sledding at Grandma and Grandpa's in TC and at Charlie's Dump. They really enjoyed making snow angels in the front yard. We celebrated Addisyn's 3rd birthday and found out we were having a BOY! Addisyn started potty training and we were so excited. To top off the month we learned that Aunt Linney was going to have a baby, we were so exstatic! What a year this was going to be!

March was a month of adjusting to the news we were having a boy and time to get some blue in this house. We enjoyed some beautiful days, bike rides and even trips to the ice cream store. We shopped for bunk beds and they were delivered. We'll wait till April to see how Addisyn does in a big girl bed but boy is she ready. We were so excited we also found out Aunt Linney is having twins in October, oh what a year we thought it would be.

Spring was here along with tulips and fun. We made our annual trek out to Holland for the tulips as I love taking pictures of the girls by the tulips, wonder what it will be like with a boy next year? The girls were blessed with a new swing set built by their daddy and uncle brandon, oh how we love our new swing swet. We also enjoyed some Aquatic Center fun during spring break, sleeping in new bunk beds and a trip to TC, moomers! Oh and probably one of the most inportant things this month, I got a new toy! I saved my pennies and got a new camera a Nikon D5000 and I have had so much fun with it!

The school year is coming to a close as Kylynn will finish up her first year of school, 3 school, she absolutely loved her teacher and enjoyed her freedom 2 mornings a week. Mother's Day was special with my girls and we enjoyed some warm weather where we actually broke out the water table and wore tank tops. There were some more preparations for the baby boy to join us, the room was painted by Grandpa VanDyke and shopping continued on my part, oh it's so much fun to buy blue. Memorial Day was spent in TC and Moomer's was enjoyed, 2 times actually, why not when you are pregnant.

June started with a big celebration, a wedding! Brandon and Jana got hitched and I gained a sister-in-law! Kylynn was a flower girl, J was the best man for his brother and I stood up for Jana, yup 32 weeks pregnant and all. What a beautiful day it was! We celebrated birthdays (grandma mcgregor turned 80!) and anniversarys and then life took a dive, we got the news that Linds was in the hospital and then on bed rest. We prayed and we prayed but the Lord took the sweet girls home, Alayna and Ella born on the 24th and 30th. Kylynn turned 4 on the 30th and now shares that special day with Ella. We were so sad to lose them and know that they are safe in Jesus's arms.
I almost forgot to add that I had my first surprise party thrown for me and boy was I surprised. My sister and a friend threw me a surprise sprinkle shower for Easton and it was so much fun. It was just what I needed and was a great surprise.

I almost forgot to add that I had my first surprise party thrown for me and boy was I surprised. My sister and a friend threw me a surprise sprinkle shower for Easton and it was so much fun. It was just what I needed and was a great surprise.

The month that changed our lives forever, Easton Marc joined our family on July 15 and life will never be the same. We truly were blessed to have a healthy baby boy join our family. The Lord blessed me with 40 healthy weeks of pregnancy and I now look back and think why was I complaining those last 2 weeks, he was healthy and not ready to come out yet but boy was he a big boy 9 lbs 1 oz and he hasn't slowed down since. The girls were so excited to have a baby brother and couldn't get enough of him, especially Addisyn. They were so in love with their brother. But sadly we had to lay to rest two of our neices before Easton was born and oh was that a hard day. Never should you have to bury your child/children and Lord willing I hope I never have to. I've been through this with Steph but watching Bri and Linds was so extremely hard, especially being 9 months pregnant. What an emotional rollercoaster that was. 

August was here before we knew it and we were adjusting to being a family of 5. Off to the cottage we went again and made some great memories with the VanDyke's. I celebrated my birthday and we enjoyed some fun times at Aunt Courtney's pool and just overall summer fun. We also said goodbye to my Grandma on August 22. She fought a very short battle with cancer and we were so said to have to say goodbye. I was so happy that she met Easton and was able to hold him. What a special memory I have of our last time together.
Back to School we go, well not me but Kylynn was off to Preschool and was so excited. Mom was able to bring her every day and that was such a treat for me. She absolutely loves school and has the best teachers. J went on a bear hunt with my cousin and my dad and had success. We traveled to the UP for the annual Labor Day weekend trip with the Vugteveens, fun times again. 
October was a fun month, I was able to enjoy it at home with the kids. Taking Kylynn to preschool and spending some one on one time with Addisyn as Easton napped was a true blessing. Easton was now on some medicine for acid reflux and was a brand new baby. I truly thought that I was going to go insane if life continued as it had been going. He now would fall asleep on his play mat and was so much more happier. My mom joined me for a weekend as J had another hunting trip planned. We made applesauce with the girls, it was pink. This year we had Snow White, Princess and the Frog and a skunk, or my little stinker as I liked to call him for Halloween.
November was a month for change in our family, I headed back to work and a challenge that proved to be. Getting 3 kids and myself out the door by 6:45 is not an easy task at all. I had my first solo weekend with the kids as J had his 3rd hunting trip of the year and it actually went quite well. We celebrated Thanksgiving with J's family and I once again enjoyed Black Friday with my mom and sister, starting at 4 am this year, we are CRAZY!

And last but not least December, brought about old traditions and new, we cut down our tree for the 8th year in a row, another wonderful afternoon trompsing through the tree forest looking for that perfect tree. Easton's 1st Christmas, Kylynn was an angel in her school Manger Days, and Addisyn got a cute new hair cut. News of 2 new neices or nephews next year and we can't wait to see what 2011 will bring.
We remember those who left us this year and we think of them often. I actually had a short visit with my grandpa today and I couldn't help but see the sadness in his eyes. As he left he was choked up and it made me sad to know that Grandma is gone. She is spending NYE with Jesus, how awesome is that. We also lost two very sweet and special little girls this year, Alayna and Ella, they would have been great friends with my girls I just know it. I'm sad to think that we never got to watch them grow up and play with our kids but rest assured that they are in the arms of Jesus and who wouldn't want to be in the arms of Jesus. I pray that 2011 is a better year for everyone and that the Lord continues to bless us as he has over 2010.
Happy New Year everyone!