Saturday, October 30, 2010


We were supposed to head to TC yesterday and trick-or-treat with the T family but plans had to be changed when my parents still didn't have power back, thank goodness it came back on this morning. So instead we headed over to j's parents so the girls could trick-or-treat with their cousins. They were really excited to trick-or-treat this year, I think each year they get more excited about halloween. J said that next year they'll probably have to expand their route, they didn't hit that many houses, soon though, they'll want to go to more I'm sure.

Our little stinker

Snow White, Addisyn Joy

Princess and the frog, Kylynn Joy

Cousins ~ Cole, Cambrey, Addisyn and KylynnAunt Kari and the girls going trick-or-treatingThe sis and I in our Halloween t-shirts


Trisha said...

Looks like fun! Wish it could have worked out for you to come to TC, but another year maybe. Enjoy all the candy. (:

The Kowalskis said...

Easton's costume is so so cute! And of course the girls are so beautiful in their dresses :)