Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Almost 7 weeks

I thought I'd post today for Easton's seven week update and give you a little of what he's up to. We have some exciting plans and I won't be able to post on the exact day so I thought this would suffice.

Easton Marc

-weighs 14 1/4 lbs

-24 1/4 inches long

-you are cooing at yourself in your swing, at mommy and daddy and your sisters

-we have caught you smiling but haven't quite been quick enough with the camera yet

-you are wearing size 2 diapers

-you've outgrown your size 3 month clothes and are well on your way to 3-6 month clothes

-we love your rolls

-everyone says how they love your hair, mohawk style, I like to call it but it does curl when wet :)

-sleeping 7 + hours at night

-not napping really well during the day but I'll take sleeping through the night any day!

-like lying on the floor on a blanket where you can kick and more your arms all around, your sisters love to lay next to you

-eatting every 2 - 3 hours during the day

Oh we love you and can't imagine our lives with out you. You are our little man!

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