Sunday, February 24, 2008

Still Waiting...

At our ultra sound on Wednesday they told us baby was 7 1/2 pounds. She must not be ready yet to come meet us. I was dialted to 3 and 80% efaced. It is now Sunday and still no baby. I have an appointment tomorrow so I'm anxious to see where we're at then. I have had contractions all week and lots of cramping so I'm hoping things are making some changes. I think baby will be here early this week, I just hope she doesn't come on Friday, leap year. Everyone thinks I'm crazy but I would feel so bad that she only gets her birthday every 4 years, that is awful for a child. Jason says there isn't much I can do about it and I know he is right but I just would hate for that to happen.
Kylynn is finally feeling better and we finally were able to take her to church today. She cried for the first time when we left her today. I think it is because she hasn't been there in so many weeks and she has been very clingy to mom and Grandma this weekend. Should be interesting to see how she adjusts to the new baby.

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