Cherry Festival began for us this year with the Air Show. The Blue Angels were in town so we couldn't miss it. Usually it seems they do the same show each time they are here but they had a great show with many new moves. Always fun watching them fly.
Easton and Dad
Kylynn and Mom
Grandma, Addi, and Grandpa
Our family

Easton with the Cherry Queen Danielle and her court
The girls with the Cherry Queen and her court
Our favorite Blue Angels
Had to have Moomers while in town. We met up with our
TC friends. Always fun when these 6 are together.
With one of my besties
Our Family at Moomers, love this place
crazy kids
Grandpa and the kids did the Tilt a Whirl
Mom and Easton
Kylynn could do the bumper cars
Waiting for the Ferris Wheel
Dad and Easton
Kylynn and Mom
One of their favorite rides
Having fun on the swings
Easton loves the dumbo ride
Addi and Easton did the Tilt a Whirl again
Watching the Heritage Parade with the Tkach family
Past Queens and Presidents, Grandpa was on the float
Queen Danielle
Farmer Bob and Jon driving the Moomers truck
Easton loves tractors
Dad and Mom headed out on the town with Grandpa and Grandma.
We enjoyed some quality time at the Beer Tent.