Better late than never, here is our celebrations of our baby girl! Can't believe she is 7 already! She is growing into such a fabulous young lady. Her heart is made of gold I am sure of it. She loves the Lord and shows his love to others in ways I am amazed by. Her teeth are almost all the way down, she is 50 1/4 inches (90th percentile) and 57 lbs (75th percentile). Not how much she grew from last year as I can't seem to find last year's slip right now. I do know she has grown a ton, her and Kylynn can share clothes which is nice but not looking forward to the fights over clothes. I think this is just the beginning. They are the best of friends though and I love that! Addisyn is excelling in school, reading at an end of the year 1st grade pace and I am thrilled. She loves school and loves her teacher. She has lots of friends and really likes playing with the boys, she is our tomboy for sure! Can't wait to see what God does with this little chic! So blessed that he gave her us to raise and love on!

More Lego - she was thrilled!
Our soccer girl
She wanted a cool sweatshirt like her big sis got for Christmas
Now she is all set, she really wanted Kristof to go along with Anna and Elsa
My 3 blessings
Not the greatest but a family picture at that
With our Baby Girl
My 7 year old
Me and my girl
I took her out for breakfast on her birthday because I had PT conferences that night and wouldn't be able to be around for dinner. She chose Hot Chocolate for her drink. She then chose ice cream for her birthday treat. What a spoiled little birthday girl! I told her teacher I was sorry when I dropped her off to school. She said that is what Birthdays are for!
Me and my girl at breakfast
Kylynn was the photographer for her to open her present from us on her birthday.
She loves pinkalicious, a big book of stories she can read
her favorite drink, she always begs for them at the store
more frozen stuff
Celebrating with the Vugteveen's
Addisyn and Molly
Just want she has wanted, elbow and knee pads for her roller skates
making a wish
With Grandpa and Grandma Vugteveen