2011 was a good year for our family. The first big event was celebrating Addisyn's 3rd birthday, with a Snow White cake. Spring arrived and the kids loved playing outside and Easton loved being pushed around in his car. We traveled to Avalanche Bay with the Vugteveen's for Spring Break and ended the weekend in TC with Grandma and Grandpa VanDyke.
School was out and Kylynn graduated Preschool. Summer was upon us and did we have fun. We were very busy this summer. Camping at Holland, welcoming a new niece, Brinley, celebrating Kylynn's 5th Birthday with Mikayla, Off to TC for the Cherry Festival, celebrating Easton's 1st Birthday and we were off to a wonderful summer. Then it was off to Ludington for a week with the VanDyke's, we celebrated 8 years of marriage, Jason and I enjoyed a trip to Niagra Falls and a Tigers game over my Birthday. The summer was coming to an end but we enjoyed lots of fun times with friends and family. I am so thankful that the girls enjoyed some gymnastics camp, VBS and swim lessons with their friend Mikayla, oh and a few trips to the zoo as well.
Off to the deer shack for our annual Vugteveen get together over Labor Day Weekend. Then September came and was crazy. First of all we welcomed the first VanDyke cousin, Chloe. Chloe was to arrive in October but gave us all a surprise and arrived September 8. Kylynn started school and so did Mommy. The kids started at a new sitters and they love it.
On September 17 we lost a very special friend, Mikayla Rose. We are still so very sad that we have lost such a special little friend. The girls still talk about Mikayla and miss her so. Please continue to keep James and Julie in your prayers as this has been very tough on them.
October was filled with pumpkin patch visits, trick or treating and enjoying the fall. Jason did a lot of hunting this fall. November was a time of reflection and giving thanks for all the many blessings we have. Thanksgiving was spent with Jason's family and we ended the night with my family at my cousin Pat's house. We learned we would be having another boy cousin for Easton in April as Brandon and Jana got the news of a Baby Boy. December went by in a flash. Celebrating at school with our small group, me finishing school and being on vacation, attending Kylynn's school Christmas party, and tons of family time celebrating the birth of our Savior. Two days after Christmas Jason's sister had her baby, Mason, what a miracle that was.
We have been greatly blessed this year with health and happiness and thank God for all he has given us. We pray you have felt his presence as well. May God bless you in 2012!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Daddy's gift to the kids
Don't worry, he has already had a conversation with the girls about going to find them helmets. That made my mom pretty happy. These will be used up at the deer shack in the UP and I'm sure the kids will have a blast on them. It will be a few years before Easton will be able to use them though, poor guy.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Meet Mason...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
CHRISTmas with the VanDykes
-absolutely love the cute Christmas outfit-
-her daddy said she looked like a clown-
-he has his own Cabela's chair-
-Jason said he won't carry my camera anymore-
-both were very surprised by their new Vera gifts-

Our family

-nice face Trev-
Once again Blogger is acting up. I am beginning to wonder if it's my computer. I can't type above my pictures and it is being really finicky with me. Very frustrating.
As you can see we had a very nice Christmas with my family. We were all spoiled, got Michigan shirts and had some good laughs. It was very nice to ALL be home for Christmas. It isn't often that we are all together so this was a very special time for our family.
More Christmas to come posts to come...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas at Grandma's
two of her favorite things
- a blue and yellow cheerleading outfit, imagine that-
Addisyn modeling her scarf
Blogster is not cooperating with me! I wanted this part of the post at the beginning but I'll have to settle for the end.
We traveled to TC for Christmas this year. We came up Christmas Eve and were able to go to Christmas Eve service with my parents. I absolutely love Christmas Eve service, as it's what I grew up with. The last few years we miss church at Christmas time because our church has a Christmas Day service and we are usually traveling north. So with Christmas on Sunday this year we were able to make it in time for Christmas Eve service in TC. The kids opened Christmas PJ's after church and then were off to bed. And yes, Santa found us in TC. The kids were quite surprised and Kylynn was up rather early all set to open presents. She then woke up her sister who was not thrilled with getting up early and really didn't care about the presents, she just wanted to watch TV. The kids were very spoiled as you can see. Mom and dad got them three gifts, as Jesus got three gifts so many years ago. One big one from Santa and they were all set. More Christmas day fun to come later. And the big VanDyke celebration post is coming as well.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Vugteveen Christmas
We celebrated Christmas with the Vugteveen's on Friday night. It's always crazy when you have 6 little ones around and next year will be even crazier as we will add 2 more little ones in the next few months. We had a wonderful time of family, food and fun. So blessed!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
A fun day in Pre K
(Kylynn is so incredibly blessed to have her as a teacher)
You can see how much they love her
I was so fortunate to be a part of this special day in Pre K today. Mrs. V made sure that I was able to be a part of her special Christmas party and it was truly a blessing. I helped with the snack idea that I am happy to say I found on Pinterest. I did it a little differently. In the blog that I got it from they have you bake cookie dough in the cones. We just used sugar cones and the kids frosted them. They all turned out so cute and they really enjoyed eating them too! I totally enjoyed my morning in Pre K - Mrs. V is an amazing teacher and makes it look like a walk in the park. Maybe I need to go back and get my early childhood certification:) Nope, I think I will stick with my big kids but it is sure fun to visit. Thanks Mrs. V for allowing me the privilege of joining you on this special occasion, made this momma feel oh so special!
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