Life has not slowed down here at the Vugteveen home. I feel like school just began and now it is November. I honestly feel like I don't have a routine down yet. Between Jason hunting, GOT and just finishing Parent Teacher Conferences, I feel like I haven't had a normal week. I'm anxious for things to slow down a little so I can enjoy my sweet kiddos. Here they are, enjoy them:)

Kylynn looks like she is holding easton down but really he didn't want to be in the picture at all, he was tryint to slide out. It's the best I could get for now. This is a tough age to photograph. I remember it vividly from my girls. He's on the go, no pictures for him. Hope you enjoyed your weekend. We had a busy one but a calmer week so that will be good. A massage is in my future, I am so excited! It is much needed after the crazy busy week last week.