Our little guy is 10 months old today! He got to celebrate it with a trip to the ER. Poor guy has had diarrhea since Monday, I think he's teething. We went to the doctor on Thursday and she said he had the start of an ear infection so she started him on an antibiotic. I made sure this one wasn't going to make his butt worst but it made his stool red. I thought it was blood. So it happened again on Saturday and I said if it happened on Sunday we'd call. Well, it happened, just a little bit but still it worried me. So they told us to head in to the ER. We brought the diaper for them to test. It was not blood, thank God. The supervising Doctor said that the antibiotic he is on does that. Wish they would have told me that, I was quite worried. Guess it's good though, he's just fine. We ended the visit with him falling asleep on mommy. Oh I just loved it, having my baby sleeping in my arms. He doesn't do that anymore so I soaked it up.

Some of his 10 month stats:
-weighs 23.10 lbs
-likes some 3rd foods, not all
-pulling himself up on things

-his new trick this weekend is walking behind this cool toy, he absolute loves it
-his sisters love to help him too

-wearing 18 month sizes
-size 4 diapers during the day size 5 at night
-loves his daddy
-loves his puppies
-likes to grind his teeth
-has 4 little teethers
-takes 4 6 oz bottles
-is on the move all of the time, loves to crawl down the hallway to his sisters room