Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today though I am also sad that I won't be heading out to Grandma's house. It's been a few years since we've gotten together with my mom's family but I sure do miss those days. I especially miss them now that my Grandma is gone. I know she is looking down at us from above this thanksgiving. But I can't help but remember the days when we would gather at her house for her delicious pies and the only time I used to get gravy. Going to Grandma's was so special. I sure do miss those good ol' days.
Enjoy your thanksgiving and don't take your family for granted. You never know when they won't be there anymore. Happy Thanksgiving!
November Thanksgivings...Day 24
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day22 and 23
I'm also thankful for my coworkers. This year I'm team teaching two classes of sped and it has been challenging but I enjoy the lady I work with and am looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead. Middle School has been a huge adjustment for me and honestly I don't know if this is what I'm cut out for. It is nice for now when I have little ones at home but I just don't know if this is where my heart is. So those that I work with make it worth going to work.
Lots of things going on at the Vugteveen home, look for a post coming up on our visitor for the week. Let's just say he's small and furry.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day21

Me, Kristen, Jayme, and Erin
Saturday, November 20, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 20
A chilly morning...
The 3 little munchkins
Friday, November 19, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 19
Thursday, November 18, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 18
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 17
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A day late...
November Thanksgivings...Day 16
Monday, November 15, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 15
She is so special to our family, my kids babysitter, my friend and just a special person that we love to death! Whenever I need some fashion advice, she's there, whenever I need some help with the kids, she's there. I truly appreciate her and am so thankful to have her in my life. Looking forward to the years ahead, remember, I will be there on that big special day and this summer I get to help her celebrate her 21st. She keeps me young and for that I am also thankful. Love you to pieces! Hannah, I'm thankful for your friendship and I cherish all that you are.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 14
Saturday, November 13, 2010
November Thanksgiving... Day 13
Friday, November 12, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 12
Thursday, November 11, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 11
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 10
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November Thanksgivings...Day 9
I was nervous about how today would go with 3 kids for her to take care of. My biggest worry was my 'stinker', but he did well. It was the oldest that was a problem, she through a royal fit when it was time to go to preschool. I'm hoping it was a one time thing with the change of mommy going back to work but I felt terrible. Of course Auntie handled it like a champ.
Monday, November 8, 2010
November Thanksgivings Day #8...

As a teacher I am thankful to have a job, a job which I love. Today I get to go back to my 8th graders, we'll see how it goes. More on that later. Happy Monday!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
November Thanksgivings Day 7...

Saturday, November 6, 2010
November Thanksgivings Day #6

Don't these make you hungry. Enjoy your Saturday, hope it starts of lazily!
Friday, November 5, 2010
November Thanksgivings Day #5

Thursday, November 4, 2010
November Thanksgiving Day #4

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thankful Day #3

Let me share a little bit about my mom. She is someone whom I talk with at least every other day if not every day. 2 hours and 15 minutes may separate us by distance but we don't allow that to keep us apart. I call her often for advice, to vent, or just to chat. She has encouraged me to be the best mom I can be and lets me know that it's okay to work full time cause I have all summer with my kids, winter break, spring break, and many other days in there as well. For that I am thankful, I'm a better mom because I work and she has always encouraged me to do what I love. I love teaching. After my first year of teaching I wanted to quit and it was my dad and my mom who said, no way, you are an excellent teacher and I pursued on. She is the best, she even comes down to help me while my hubby is hunting. Having three kids for 4 or 5 days alone is no fun, but relief from grandma is so much appreciated and the kids loved having her. Teaching me how to make applesauce and strawberry jam, and to sew are things I will forever cherish. My mom is an incredible mom who is so giving and concerned for her children. I hope I can only be half the mom she has been for me for my children.

Now let me share a little bit about my dad. I have always been a daddy's girl. Here's a little story about my dad, I had wanted to date a Senior, I was a Sophomore in High School. I begged to date. My dad always had said I had to be 16 to date. I wouldn't turn 16 till right before my Junior year. Oh man, that was terrible, torture, but he came to his senses and let me date. He came up one Saturday morning and woke me up to let me know he had thought about it and I could date. I think he made a good choice. I was treated very well by this young man, one of the best guys around, but he broke my heart. Anyway. My dad is also someone who has encouraged me along the way. I always trust his advice and I love being able to sit with him and chat over coffee. Since I'm a mom, I'm awake early on Saturday mornings and when we visit I enjoy chatting with him and talking about my hubby, or mom, yup we talk about you sometimes, my sibblings. He always knows what to say and understands me. I think I'm a lot like my dad. We both love to meet new people and are pretty quick to socialize. I admire his abilities to talk to strangers, mainly in church. He'll walk up to a visitor and introduce himself and start conversations. I think that is awesome. It is something that I am always trying to do. My dad is also my little helper. If I want something done at my house I usually ask my dad. He has painted just about every wall in my house, or he probably will by the time we move out. Just recently he asked me if J was bothered by him helping me out, nah, J doesn't care, it's getting done and he doesn't have to do it. He hangs pictures for me, does wall words for me, when my hubby compains. Another thing that my dad does is hang out with my husband, I am so blessed to have this, my dad and husband are great friends and have a wonderful relationship, love it! But the best thing about my dad is how awesome of a grandpa he is. We have a tradition with my mom and sister, a few of them actually. We like to partake in black friday, which was fine before kids but that didn't stop us with Super Grandpa, he has watched my kids for all of our black friday trips. For that I am thankful, he also watches my kids so I can go to the K-Wings craft show each year with my mom and sister. He is a wonderful grandpa to my girls and also to Easton. He even changes dirty diapers. The best was about a month ago when he was wiping Addi's butt on the toilet and she said, "I wuv you Grandpa."
I've rattled on long enough but my parents are the best, I am so blessed to call them mom and dad, love you guys!