Here's a few photos of our week so far. We've been getting adjusted to three children, enjoying having dad home on vacation, and just enjoying the sunny days. The girls are loving having daddy home to spoil them. Today they went to
2 parks! They were pretty excited when they got home to tell me all about it. Then after their naps they played outside in their pool and with Kylynn's new sprinkler. They enjoyed their water
squirters from Grandma, I think they liked squirting their dad and Uncle Brandon.

daddy got sand for the sandbox, the girls were very happy

having a campfire in the back yard,
Kylynn was looking forward to this the day before, but it rained,
we had tears when it started to rain, but we had big
smiles tonight
Addisyn enjoying some marshmallows at the camp fire

playing with her water squirter, they shot far
Easton is doing well, he actually had a good night last night. He slept after each feeding and I felt like I got some decent sleep. The previous two nights he didn't want to go to bed until 2:30 or 3. He would fall asleep and as soon as you laid him in his bed he would start to cry, just as I had settled into bed. So I was pretty happy last night that he went to bed when I was ready for bed. The girls keep asking when he'll be able to play with his toys, Kylynn in particular. There is no concept of time there. I told her it will be awhile before he plays with toys. They are enjoying holding him but Kylynn asked me tonight, when will he not cry when I hold him. Oh the joys of a newborn.
We are blessed and truly enjoying our time as a family.