Today at 9:30 Jason's sister Lindsey and her husband welcomed
Alayna Joy into the world. She weighed 14 ounces and was about 10 inches long. She lived for an hour and 45 minutes before our Heavenly Father called her home. I had the
privilege of seeing her tonight when we visited, she looked perfect, so tiny but beautiful. She had the
Vugteveen nose, looks just like Lindsey. Please continue to pray for Lindsey's strength as she continues to carry baby b as long as possible. She is in a different sack so she can stay in there as long as she wants. We are praying for a miracle that she will make it at least 4 more weeks and be able to make it.
Kylynn asked me why I was crying on the phone tonight and Jason told her that God wanted one of Aunt
Linney's babies in heaven. What a tough concept for a 4 year old, she's almost 4. So on our way to bringing her to Grandma and Grandpa's so we could go up to the hospital she asked what Heaven was like. We told her, her dad told her, it's like a really big playground, the best playground ever. Then she said, "when am I going to go to heaven?" We said, not till after Daddy and Mommy, hopefully. She was quiet and then Addi piped up, I want to go too! Put a smile on our face.
But please continue to pray for Brian and Lindsey for emotional and physical strength as they enter another phase of this journey. I've been hearing stories all day about how one twin has died and the other has lived, one is now in their 40's and one is now in their 30's and I'm sure there are more. So we are praying for a miracle and I'm sure they could use your prayers too!
Oh, and for me, I'm dilated to 2 and 50% thinned. This has been very difficult on my personally as I am carrying my 3rd child. Please pray for my emotions and that I might be there for Lindsey in any way that I need to be. I also have to bid on my job in the morning so I could use your prayers for that to go well and for me to not be so stressed so that I may have a healthy delivery of baby boy
vugteveen when his time is right for meeting us.