Kylynn and Daddy
So there is a story behind these pictures. The girls got these sweaters for Christmas and I was bummed that I didn't buy the hat to match. I thought I could use it for Addisyn's 2 year pictures. Well, when we were in TC in February I bought the hats cause they were like 97 cents. Then last week I took them out of their drawers and said, I guess we never used those to take pictures. When it snowed this weekend I thought, perfect, I can get my pictures in:) So after church on Sunday we quick came in and changed their clothes and headed outside to take a few pictures and I was blessed with a beautiful picture of both my girls, smiling and looking.
They also had fun sitting in dad's new tree stand he bought at the huntin show this weekend.
Today I had another ultra sound done to make sure the top of the heart looked good. Our little guy was tucked for the last one so they couldn't get a good shot. He has a healthy heart and it was so good to see him again. I can't wait to meet our little guy. I just layed there and thought what a miraculous thing that God has blessed us with. I'm continuing to feel well, besides the heartburn and back pains. I really can't complain. 24 weeks tomorrow, wow it has flown by! Over half way. During spring break I plan to get things rolling for the nursery, buy the bedding and pick out paint so that we can get going on that. I also have to buy bedding for the girls and try Addi in a big girl bed. We have our work cut out for us I'm sure.
Enjoy the sun! It was shining today!