Well, the girls are with Grandma and Grandpa for the week, hopefully everything goes well. They've already had their first trip to Moomers so I'm assuming they'll be fine. Jason and I are heading out to celebrate our 6th anniversary this week. Wow, six years already, doesn't seem like it's been that long. Time flies when you're having fun I guess.
The girls and I enjoyed a nice week around town here. We headed to the beach, went to the zoo and had a play date. I also, with the help of my sister, worked in my classroom. We unboxed a lot of my stuff and got the room set up. Tons of work to go but after this vacation I'll spend some more time in there. I'm really enjoying my summer with the girls, not looking forward to going back at all. I'm going to add a few photos from our week. Also, check out my sisters blog for some new family photos, we had them taken during festival.

Kristen, Me, Jason, Brent, Brian, and Lindsey
My Girls
Kylynn in her new zoo hat by the star fish

Tired baby after the zoo