Now the laundry has begun and it's time to pack for another week of camping. We head out Sunday to Holland State Park for the week, that will be fun! The beach this time, will be interesting with my sand lover Addisyn.
The girls are napping so I'm updating FB and my blog with photos from our camping experience. The house was also painted while I was away so we have to put it back together, tons to do, and I'm on the computer. I already put my stuff back, the knick knacks and photos, Jason will have to hang the stuff tonight.
We had Kylynn's 3 year, yes 3 year, pictures taken today. My friend Erin did them and I think they are going to turn out great! We had fun with it. I got a sitter for Addi and I think that really helped. I can't believe my little girl is turning 3 next week. All she wants is her princess kitchen. I'm pretty excited to give it to her. She also wants an ariel birthday cake so that is in the process of being ordered from a parent at school. Should be a fun time. Back to more laundry and pickin up the house.

Kylynn and Addi eating breakfast in the trailer

Playing in the sand
All of the kidsKylynn Joy, bathing beauty
Addisyn Joy, enjoying her sucker