The girls have enjoyed their bike rides with their daddy this week. I have been so busy lately thankfully the girls have been able to spend some good quality time with their dad. It seems as though M-W I'm not around. Between WW, class, school stuff, and just other random things I'm not around till Thursday nights. This week I have conferences, unfortunately I will be gone Tues, Wed, and Thursday nights this week. I'm so looking forward to sping break, 2 more weeks. Too bad we're not going anywhere, it seems everyone is heading to Florida this year. We were supposed to but J slacked and it was too late. I guess he is taking me to Vegas this summer. Right now I'd rather be getting ready for Florida, he doesn't get that I don't think. As a teacher Spring Break is a really good time to get away, a much needed get away at that point in the year.
Anyway, we enjoyed some outside time today. Kylynn rode her bike and scooter. She is kinda getting the hang of the bike. After working at it she will get it I'm sure, it'll take some time. 

Yesterday we had Addisyn's 1 year check up, she has another ear infection, that is number 5! I'm going to be pushing for tubes really quickly here. The poor thing, everytime she gets a new tooth she has an ear infection. She was 22.6 (75th percentile) and 31 1/4 inches (97th percentile). Hopefully she has her daddies jeans, tall and thin.
Here's a few shots from the past week. Hope everyone is enjoying the sun and spring weather.
Addisyn and Kylynn, cute little flowers they are
Kylynn Joy, here "cute" pose

Addisyn Joy, enjoying some pasta pick ups for lunch today!