Addisyn Joy is 11 months old today! Well, technically not for another 30 minutes but on the ticker it says she is 11 months old already. I haven't posted for awhile so I thought I'd quick write about what's been going on. And, I promise, I'll take the Christmas music off very soon. Last weekend Kylynn had the flu, thankfully it just hit her and no one else. Tuesday morning she woke up on her own and said, "I feel better mommy." She was back to her normal self, thankfully not getting Addisyn sick.
One of her naps while she was sick...
Addisyn is into everything and loving eatting solids. She finally will eat the puffs and has enjoyed slices of bananas as well. Not walking yet but pulls herself up onto everything now. Maybe she'll be walking at a year, no bets on that one yet.
Addi eating her puffs...
Busy, busy, busy! I'm back to taking my classes and school work is keeping me very busy. Our weekends have been pretty uneventful so it has been nice to enjoy some relaxing time with the girls.
That's all for now, I'm off to bed.

Busy, busy, busy! I'm back to taking my classes and school work is keeping me very busy. Our weekends have been pretty uneventful so it has been nice to enjoy some relaxing time with the girls.
That's all for now, I'm off to bed.