So I've been slacking on the blogging thing lately. I have good reasons though! Last week I took a class through Grand Valley for 3 Graduate credits. It was a long week but well worth the credits. My mom was so wonderful and stayed with us to watch the girls for the week. It gave her some good bonding time with them and Kylynn loved having her 'guya' here. The weekend before Jason and I got away for the whole weekend with our small group, we had a blast, eatting, relaxing, playing games, and tubing down the river. Some very good times with our friends.
The girls: Andrea, Jayme, Erin, Kristen, and I

Getting ready to go tubing down the river: The Vugteveen's, The Koetje's, The DeYoung's, The Arends', and the Kloostra's

Last night Jason and I went to his cousin Melissa's wedding. We had a great time without the kids, story of our life lately. You must think we're terrible parents but we have had lots of away time lately. That's okay, we're off to Uncle Trevor and Aunt Katie's wedding this weekend and we'll all be together 24/7. We're very excited and can't wait to see how Kylynn does. She is the flower girl. My bets are she'll do fine. She'll just follow Jonathan, ring bearer, down the isle. She loves big kids.
Jason, myself, Brian, and Lindsey at the wedding.

Today we enjoyed an old fashioned picnic with Jason's family. The whole gang was there and we had a new addition, Brandon brought a friend. It was great to meet her, I hope we will have more opportunities to get to know her better, she was very sweet.
Another cousin picture, poor Addisyn - Kylynn and Cambrey are cute though.

My girls, Addi and Kylynn. Kylynn has to be out of the CHEESE stage soon, hopefully!

No big plans for this week, just getting back into my classroom a few days and getting packed and ready for the wedding. We enjoyed our weekend home this past weekend, Jason go the house powerwashed and the deck, it looks great! It was our first weekend home since the beginning of June, it felt great!