I forgot to add the link for Kylynn's 2 year pictures. They turned out beautifully. I am going to have a tough time picking out the ones I want. Well, let me rephrase that, the ones to purchase, I'd love them all. Click here to check them out. http://kristinkaystudios.smugmug.com/gallery/5565675_dfxq5#341145816_jUp9s
Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Summer days...
Isn't summer the best? We have been enjoying the outdoors. Today we had a pool party over at Aunt Courtney's for Aunt Linney's birthday. Happy 25th Birthday Lindsey! Kylynn actually did some jumping in and I dunked her so that she'd get used to the water. Hopefully next time she'll want to continue where she left of and do some more swimming. I forgot to tell you about Kylynn's latest from the doctor. She weighed 29 lbs 4 ounces (80 %) and she was 34 1/2 inches tall (73%), so she's a little above average for both. She liked the doctor and she was really happy she got a cow sticker.
Aunt Linney and Kylynn.
Kylynn, Aunt Linney, and Cambrey - looking at her momma I'm sure
My big swimmer girl.

Aunt Linney and Kylynn.

Each new day brings more vocabulary from her. I really am amazed how much she soaks up and have to watch myself when I talk. On the way up to TC this past weekend I was telling Jason something about Kylynn and said "She's not a dumb cookie, she's a smart cookie." Kylynn continued to repeat me saying "I'm not a dumb cookie." It was pretty cute. I had to work on getting her to say she's a smart cookie.
My 5 month old sweetie, Addisyn Joy

So we are the proud owners of a boat! Or should I say, Jason is the proud owner of a DUCK boat. Yup, a duck boat. Kylynn had to sit in it tonight. My hunter husband got his duck boat. I asked what I get, there was no reply. 

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Last weeks happenings..
I had to update some things we've been up to cause I have some adorable pictures to share. Kylynn has enjoyed using her rain boots to help in the garden. We also went to the Binder Park Zoo on Friday. Kylynn enjoyed the animals, she loves the monkeys, wasn't too sure about the giraffes but liked the pigs as well. She does keep her distance. We also had a play date down the road with the Arends and Zach Koetje. Zach already left before the picture but he was there. Kylynn has been enjoying her summer, mommy too, we used her pool again this week and maybe this week we'll get out her sprinkler from Uncle Brandon.
Here is Mercy, Kylynn, Eldon, and Reuben
My little 5 month old! Getting a little chunky.
I thought this was adorable, I just had to post this. Too bad she won't eat the tomatoes!
Me and my girls at the zoo.
Kylynn and the pig, she actually didn't mind being this close.
Here is Mercy, Kylynn, Eldon, and Reuben

A wonderful weekend...
We had an amazing time on Mackinac Island. Jason and I really enjoyed our time together away from the girls. It is just nice to be able to get away and rejuvenate your marriage once in awhile. The girls did great with my parents and Kari. It was our first time leaving Addisyn overnight but she did super, as I expected. Kylynn got spoiled by grandma and grandpa, that's what grandparents are for. 

Jason and I took off Saturday morning, had breakfast and shopped in Petosky on the way up. We were in our hotel room by 12:30 to check in and drop off our luggage. We then headed out for our bike ride around the island. It was a great day for being outside. After that we did some shopping and then we took a 2 hour nap. After that we went to an amazing dinner at Goodfellows, highly recommended, the potatoes were to die for. We then learned that there were going to be fireworks in St. Ignace so we biked about two miles around the island and sat on the beach to watch them. Very romantic, just the two of us. A little dark riding our bikes back but we managed not to ride through any horse droppings. Got up this morning, had breakfast, bought our fudge and headed back to Mackinaw. We did a little more shopping and had some lunch and then headed to get our girls. It was so good to see them but we did enjoy our time away.
Jason's favorite bridge... his gateway to paradise at the cabin
This is halfway through our bike ride, thank goodness for a nice breeze.
At night waiting for the fireworks.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy 5 Years to Us!
That's right, Jason and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary on Saturday. He is taking me to Mackinaw Island for the night. He planned the trip and surprised me. I'm very excited and can't wait to spend some time together without the kids. My parents are being wonderful to us and watching our girls and Jason's dad is being wonderful and watching the other two kids, our dogs. It's amazing how time flies. It seems like just yesterday we were planning for the big day and now we've been married for 5 years and have two beautiful daughters. Who would have thought things would be like this. Jason is a wonderful husband and father and I have been truly blessed over the last 6 years with him. He is very good to me and I thank God every day for bring him into my life. Who would have thought a blind date would turn out this way, I didn't think it would. I sure knew on our first date though. It has been a wonderful 6 years with Jason and I look forward to many more years with him. Have a wonderful weekend and I'll fill you in next week with what's been happening in the Vugteveen home, we've been very busy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
A random post
I told Trevor that I'd put the picture on here of Kylynn in her flower girl dress so you will see that. She was so excited to get it. Too bad the flower girl slippers wouldn't fit on her feet. So the whole family trekked out to David's Bridal tonight to exchange the slippers, we're all set now. Not much going on this week, we went out to Aunt Courtney's pool, had Lindsey's first bridal shower and I had a day to myself running errands. Now we're all packed and ready to head back to TC tomorrow. My soon to be Sister-in-Law's bachelorette party is Saturday night so I'm going to go hang out with the young ones and try to not act too old. Good luck! Have a great weekend and I'll post again next week with some updated pictures from our weekend. We're planning on heading to Moomer's tomorrow night for ice cream, I better save my points! Kylynn also goes to the doctor tomorrow for her 2 year check up so I'll update those stats when I am able to.
They're both smiling but not looking at me, that is usually the case.
Aunt Linney, Addisyn, Cambrey, and Kylynn
Addisyn is now starting ceral.
No more newborn - she's in the exersaucer

Monday, July 14, 2008
No more paci...
Yup, that's right, I was a mean mom tonight. No more paci for Kylynn. We said at 2 years old she no longer gets the paci when she is napping or for bedtime. With all of our camping and the week at the Cherry Festival right around her birthday we said we would do it when we got home. So last night I told her, "enjoy the last night with your paci." Tonight she went to bed without it. Lots of tears and she cried for awhile. She did finally go to sleep.
We asked her who we should give her paci to and she said Hannah. Hannah doesn't need Kylynn's paci so we'll just stick it away somewhere. I just can't throw it out, it's like I have to say good bye to my baby and she is still so young yet. Tomorrow morning we're having her 2 year pictures taken so I'm sure I'll think differently after that when I see how old she'll look. I had Jason help me pick out the outfits so we'll she how they turn out.
We asked her who we should give her paci to and she said Hannah. Hannah doesn't need Kylynn's paci so we'll just stick it away somewhere. I just can't throw it out, it's like I have to say good bye to my baby and she is still so young yet. Tomorrow morning we're having her 2 year pictures taken so I'm sure I'll think differently after that when I see how old she'll look. I had Jason help me pick out the outfits so we'll she how they turn out.
Today we went out to Courtney's to use the pool. It was a great time and Kylynn really enjoyed floating around in her BIG pool:) I was able to get a little sun so that was nice.
Happy Birthday to Hannah! Our babysitter is growing up and moving on. She'll be off to CMU this fall. Hopefully we can get her to babysit a few more times before she leaves us.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Home again...
We are back home, for a few days at least. We will be back to TC next weekend and the following weekend. It will be nice to be home for a few days though. I already sorted the laundry so it is ready to go tomorrow first thing. I think Kylynn had a great time at the Cherry Festival. She really enjoyed playing with Lauren. We saw them again last night for the fireworks where the girls played on the slide at the park, blew bubbles and then watched the fireworks. Too bad we don't live closer, it was so much fun watching these two together.
Jason got me my birthday present early so I have been enjoying playing the Wii quite a bit. We tried out all of the games when we got home today. We had played some bowling with my sister and my parents this afternoon after church. I think I'll be hooked. Kylynn even has her own mote, remote. She just plays with the nunchuk while we're playing. Here are a couple of pictures from the week. I'm going to create a slide show when I have a chance and that will have lots more.
The girls are doing great, Addisyn rolled over Thursday night, very exciting! She is doing awesome with the Tummy Time and Kylynn loves to lay with her while she is doing it. She rolled over again tonight when we were back home, so it wasn't a fluke. She is changing more and more everyday. I've got Kylynn's 2 year pictures scheduled for Tuesday so as soon as she puts them online I'll give you the link to check them out. Hopefully everything goes well.
The girls are doing great, Addisyn rolled over Thursday night, very exciting! She is doing awesome with the Tummy Time and Kylynn loves to lay with her while she is doing it. She rolled over again tonight when we were back home, so it wasn't a fluke. She is changing more and more everyday. I've got Kylynn's 2 year pictures scheduled for Tuesday so as soon as she puts them online I'll give you the link to check them out. Hopefully everything goes well.
I think we might be heading to Aunt Courtney's pool tomorrow. We didn't get much sun in TC so I'm ready for a little sun time tomorrow. Hopefully Addisyn will sleep good inside or in her little dome.
Kylynn playing in her kitchen at grandma's house.
Jason and I at the parade on Saturday.
Me and my girls waiting for fireworks, yes they are matching. I had a lot of fun with their matching outfits this week. That's what is so fun about girls!
My sweeties, Kylynn and Addisyn doing Tummy Time.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Fun times at the Cherry Festival...
Well, I think I finally have my blog back to the way I want it. If you've been checking in the last few days you've seen a few different backgrounds. I thought I wanted cherries but decided against that. When I did that it deleted a ton of my stuff. I've added some things back but I'm still missing some links to friends blogs. If one of them is you I'll get it fixed when I get home. I have them saved on my favorites. I'll do a new slide show when we get back from the Festival with new pictures.
Today was a big day for Addisyn, she rolled over:) Yeah!!! We've been better about the tummy time since we went to the doctor and she is really doing well. I'll post a picture when we get back. She holds her head up for a long time. When we went to the doctor two weeks ago she was 13.5 lbs (48th%) and 25 3/4 inches (90th%). We have one long skinny girl on our hands. She seems to be chunkin out a little though. She has been great up here in TC, just a happy baby and so content. Tonight we went to the Children's parade. We sat with Trish, Trev, and Lauren, and Trisha's parents. Kylynn had a blast with her friend Lauren. They danced to all of the bands and music that went by. Before the parade began Trisha's mom took them for a walk. They had their own little conversation and really enjoyed being together. It is such a bummer that we don't live closer. They are such great friends and don't get to see each other that often. Hopefully we'll get together tomorrow night so they can play some more.
Tomorrow I think we're going to go to the beach and my mom is going to watch Addi for us so we can enjoy some Kylynn time.
Here's a few shots of our adventures so far:
Me, Kari, Addisyn, Kylynn, and Grandma at Arnold's
Aunt Kari and Kylynn on the Dumbo Ride
Jason and Dad on a ride

Grandpa and Addisyn
Kylynn dancin at the parade
Grandpa, Kylynn, and Grandma at Moomers
Today was a big day for Addisyn, she rolled over:) Yeah!!! We've been better about the tummy time since we went to the doctor and she is really doing well. I'll post a picture when we get back. She holds her head up for a long time. When we went to the doctor two weeks ago she was 13.5 lbs (48th%) and 25 3/4 inches (90th%). We have one long skinny girl on our hands. She seems to be chunkin out a little though. She has been great up here in TC, just a happy baby and so content. Tonight we went to the Children's parade. We sat with Trish, Trev, and Lauren, and Trisha's parents. Kylynn had a blast with her friend Lauren. They danced to all of the bands and music that went by. Before the parade began Trisha's mom took them for a walk. They had their own little conversation and really enjoyed being together. It is such a bummer that we don't live closer. They are such great friends and don't get to see each other that often. Hopefully we'll get together tomorrow night so they can play some more.
Tomorrow I think we're going to go to the beach and my mom is going to watch Addi for us so we can enjoy some Kylynn time.
Here's a few shots of our adventures so far:
Me, Kari, Addisyn, Kylynn, and Grandma at Arnold's
Grandpa and Addisyn
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Cherry Time...
Hello from beautiful Traverse City, Cherry World. For those of you that know me, know I love cherries. We are up here celebrating the annual Cherry Festival. In honor of my love for cherries I changed my blog background to cherries. With that I have lost quite a bit of my work. When I return to GR I will spend some time fixing my blog back to the way it was. I just couldn't resist the new background. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers, I'll update when I get back from TC with some new pictures.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Back from Holland...
We had a great week of camping. Well, the weather wasn't the greatest but we had a good time. Kylynn had her first smore, celebrated her 2nd Birthday and went on lots of walks. We got lots of sun and enjoyed the 4th of July with Jason's family. Now it's home for a few days and then off to Traverse City for the Cherry Festival. I didn't even start the laundry tonight. There is tons. The girls clothes are already set for next week though. I had all of their cherry outfits cleaned before we left for camping and ready to go into the suitcases. One less thing to do when we are only home for 3 days. I can't believe that Kylynn is two. She had a wonderful birthday. Now we get to go celebrate again with my family in Traverse City. Here are some shots from out week of camping and the 4th.
The Birthday Girl!!!

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