Sunday, May 25, 2008
As you can see there have been some change to my blog. I had a little fun tonight adding a slide show and a play list. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now but just haven't had the time. With Jason gone I was able to monkey around on the computer and figure it out. I didn't get my scrap booking done tonight that I wanted to but that can wait. You should all be proud of me, I am almost completely caught up with my 3, yup, 3 scrapbooks. Our family book is caught up, Addisyn's book is caught up, Kylynn's just needs two more spreads and it'll be caught up as well. It was my goal before I went back to work this week. We'll see if I can get those done tomorrow. If not I'll get it done before all of the summer things start happening. I'm off to bed now so I can get up early for the Jenison parade.
Potty Time!!!
Yup, you heard it right, we had our first experience on the potty tonight. Kylynn went poopy on the potty. We were so excited. She got to go get ice cream as her treat for going on the big girl potty. I think she was a little surprised as to how this all went. I am hoping this will be the beginning and she will show some interest in going on the potty more. Here's a few pictures of the big event. I also added some other shots. Jason left on Friday for the UP, next best thing to Heaven for him. Kari stayed with me most of the weekend and left today, she was a big help, thanks Kari:) Tonight we took a girls picture cause it was just mommy and the girls. I've really enjoyed the last 13 weeks with Kylynn and Addisyn. I go back to work on Tuesday. It will be a busy week with end of the year celebrations and wrapping up everything in the classroom. I have been so thankful for having this time with my girls. We do have the whole summer as well but I have truly enjoyed spending all of this time with Kylynn and Addisyn. I don't think Kylynn will understand what is going on when Mommy has to go back to work. We'll cross that bridge when we get there though. Just pray for me as I head back to work and that Addisyn does well with the bottle. Happy Memorial Day to everyone. We are headed to the Jenison parade tomorrow, should be fun with Kylynn. I bought her a few flags to wave. Let's all take a moment to thank God for our freedoms and the veterans and soldiers who continue to fight for our freedoms! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We're hitting the TERRIBLE TWOS!
Here's a few shots of Kylynn over the last week. She enjoys eating her yogurt by herself, she makes a mess as you can see. The other picture is after we came in from taking a walk. She was not happy as you can see.

Addisyn is getting older, almost 3 months, she likes the bumbo seat. We have only used it for short periods of time because she isn't totally strong enough yet. She does enjoy it though.

I head back to work next Tuesday. That should be interesting as Addisyn isn't taking a bottle the best. Good thing it is for only 4 days, one whole day and the rest of the week I can bring her to school for the afternoons.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Life with the girls...
I had a great Mother's Day with my two girls. We had both families over to our house for Mother's Day, Kylynn really enjoyed having both Grandparents and her aunts and uncles around. Kylynn is now wearing her hair in a pony tail, it is so adorable, you might be able to see it in the pictures below. I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather. Tonight we took our big walk and Daddy treated us to ice cream. I didn't know we were going for ice cream so I didn't have the camera, I was bummed I missed Kylynn's first ice cream cone. I'm sure there will be more opportunities. One more interesting thing happening in the Vugteveen home, Remi is in heat. The poor puppy is in her crate all day cause there is no where to go. We tried doggy diapers but they are too small, even the extra larges. Poor Remi, hopefully this doesn't last too much longer.

Happy Mother's Day, my two girls and me:)

Kylynn decided it would be fun to sit in Gauge's crate. I had to take a picture.

Kylynn will actually hold her sister now for pictures, Addisyn doesn't look too comfortable but it's only for a minute.
Kylynn loves her babies and her doggy Gauge. He loves her too.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
It seems as though time is flying by without me even noticing it. I can't believe it is already May and a week is already done in May. Wow, time flies when you're having fun. We have been pretty busy lately with Graduations, Open Houses, play dates, Senior Dinners, and much more. Here are a few pictures of our fun times we've been having. Kylynn has become quite the ham and Addisyn is smiling all of the time, it is so much fun to watch her change. She doesn't seem to be adding much weight but she is sure changing.
Cora DeYoung, Kylynn, Andon and Leah Kloostra
Leah and Kylynn, I thought this was adorable.
Then our little peanut and her smiles. (She's smiling at her Daddy)
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